maandag 19 oktober 2009

stereotypes in clothing and brands.

stereo type and clothing

Stereotypes in ClothingDifferent styles and brands of clothing can be linked to different groups or cliques of people. It seems that the stereotypes related to the groups or cliques, have become a stereotype of the clothing. Styles ranging from baggy to preppy, to relaxed fit can be found all over the place, and stereotypes have found their way into just about every style of clothing worn. For example, the hippy's from the 60's wore their tie-die shirts, bell bottom pants and were thought to be druggie losers. These hippies are the same people holding high positions in major corporations today. Where did the stereotypes of the hippies during the 60's come from? I've spoken to people who say they had their hippy days, and most point to the same source. The stereotypes came because the style was different from the norm. Just because they didn't fit in with the definition of what was thought to be someone on their way to success. So if they're not on their way to success, they must losers. Stereotypes have even been pinned to certain brand names.

Stereotypes seem to start out as opinions of a large portion of the group that wear the style, and then get labeled to anyone else who is seen wearing the same style. I've seen personally why certain brands have been stereotyped as Asian brands, and understand how a brand can be stereotyped to someone's race. These stereotypes have also affected some high schools in California, where some brands are banned from campus. Now you have a 12yr old boy being teased because his low budget clothes, and stereotyped as a loser. he west coast, certain brands aren't aloud to be worn due to possible gang relation. In my opinion, stereotypes in clothing start to effect people around Jr. It's not right to do, but origins of this stereotype are easy to see. I remember being able to see the difference in clothing from one group to another, and how certain groups wore certain brands. That's when I have the first memories of actually looking at what someone was wearing. Examples from Bob Marley to Dennis Rodman, should open everyone's eyes to the fact that jus because someone chooses to dress in a way that doesn't conform to what is thought to be someone with intelligence, doesn't mean anything.

Brands aren't aloud to be worn due to possible gang relation.
Brands are banned from campus.
Low budget clothes, stereotyped as a loser.


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